COVID-19: Housing-Related Needs and Responses
Published On March 17, 2020
Analysis and policy recommendations to provide a toolkit for action.
As the COVID-19 pandemic and the efforts to slow its spread reshape life in the U.S., the economic impacts are deeply felt renters and homeowners grappling with job losses, illness, and caregiving needs as well as the prospects of a looming recession. As our Faculty Director has urged, it has never been more important for policymakers, private and nonprofit leaders, and other housing advocates to take bold action to keep people housed now and to shape a more equitable recovery.
Check this page for additional research and resources, or join our newsletter to receive updates when new work becomes available.
The Terner Center is responding to this moment with analysis and policy recommendations rooted in rigorous research that can provide policymakers with the toolkit they need to take action.
Addressing Homelessness Through Hotel Conversions by Carolina Reid, Shazia Manji, and Hayden Rosenberg | December 13, 2021
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Findings and Lessons from Two National Surveys of Landlords | September 29, 2021
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Crisis, Response, and Recovery: The Federal Government and the Black/White Homeownership Gap by Carolina Reid | March 31, 2021
The Ongoing Housing Crisis by Carolina Reid and Meg Heisler | October 2nd, 2020
COVID-19 and California’s Vulnerable Renters by Elizabeth Kneebone and Carolina Reid | August 4th, 2020
NAHREP and Terner Center Survey Highlights the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Small Landlords by Ben Metcalf | July 28th, 2020
Op-Ed: Now Is the Time to Embrace Density by Carol Galante published in The New York Times | May 12th, 2020
A Plan to Keep Renters Housed Through the COVID-19 Recovery by Ben Metcalf and David Garcia | May 4th, 2020
Op-Ed: Renters need help now – Here’s how to deliver it by Carol Galante and Barry Zigas published in Housing Wire | April 29th, 2020
Estimating COVID-19’s Near-Term Impact on Renters by Elizabeth Kneebone and Cecile Murray | April 24th, 2020
Lessons from the Great Recession for Today: Housing Aid Now! by Carol Galante | March 19th, 2020