Policy Tag: Private Sector Innovation
Knowledge Exchange Rates: Industrialized Construction in the United Kingdom
In early December, the Terner Center joined the U.S. delegation of individuals working in academia, government, and the built environment…

Unlocking the Potential of Missing Middle Housing
Read the full paper here. Authors: David Garcia, Policy Director Muhammad Alameldin, Policy Associate Ben Metcalf, Managing Director…

Reducing Bias in Home Appraisals: The Roles for Policy and Technology
An appraisal assigns economic value to a home and is a key part of the process of selling, buying, or…

Scaling Up Off-Site Construction in Southern California
Author: Tyler Pullen, Graduate Student Researcher Advised by: Elizabeth Kneebone, Research Director Carol Galante, Founder and Adviser Read…

Commercial Zoning Paper Series
Is there an alternative future for the strip mall? Has COVID-19 created an opportunity to adapt underutilized commercial and retail…

Community Land Trusts and MH Advantage® – A New Approach to Affordable Homeownership
As part of our commitment to the education and professional development of UC Berkeley students, the Terner Center highlights exceptional…

Off-Site Construction in Los Angeles County
Read the full paper here. Author: Tyler Pullen, Graduate Student Researcher Advisors: Carolina Reid, Faculty Research Advisor Elizabeth Kneebone, Research…

Strategies to Lower Cost and Speed Housing Production: A Case Study of San Francisco’s 833 Bryant Street Project
Author: Nathaniel Decker, Post-Doctoral Scholar Read the full analysis here.

Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal
Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal Bank of America Merrill Lynch Low-Income Housing Challenge 2016 Authors: UC Berkeley, CalBUILD Team: Genise Choy (MCP, 2016), Alexandra…

Scaling Off-Site Production in the United States: Lessons Learned From Swedish Leader Lindbacks
When it comes to innovation in housing, what does the U.S. have to learn from Sweden? More than you might…