Policy Tag: California
Options for Addressing Rent Burdens Through the Tax Code: Considerations for Designing a Renter’s Tax Credit
The number of cost-burdened renters has hit an all-time high. The issue is particularly acute for low-income households: for…

Addressing the Housing Needs of Low-Income Households in the Bay Area: The Importance of Public Funding
This policy brief explores how public funding can address the San Francisco Bay Area's housing affordability crisis by increasing the…

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Construction Costs: An Analysis of Prevailing Wages
Since its founding, the Terner Center has conducted research to better understand the factors driving the costs of housing development,…

Construction Defect Liability in California: How Reform Could Increase Affordable Homeownership Opportunities
This policy brief examines one particular challenge facing new condominium development in California: the state’s construction defect liability laws. Construction…

Making Missing Middle Pencil: The Math Behind Small-Scale Housing Development
This brief examines the financial feasibility of building missing middle housing, such as duplexes, fourplexes, and ten-unit buildings, in California.…

Making It Pencil: Can We Get Housing for Middle-Income Households to Work?
Authors: David Garcia, Ben Metcalf For middle-income Californians, the state’s housing supply and affordability challenges have been more acute in…

Affordability for Whom? Introducing an Inclusive Affordability Measure
This paper presents a new approach to measuring housing affordability—one that seeks to provide a better indicator of what counties…

Modeling Inclusionary Zoning’s Impact on Housing Production in Los Angeles: Tradeoffs and Policy Implications
Guest author Shane Phillips from the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies has authored a paper that uses…

Understanding the Role of New Housing in Reducing Climate Pollution
Author: Zack Subin Whether and how new housing is built has important consequences for the climate. Improving urban land use…

Making It Pencil: the Math Behind Housing Development – 2023 Update
This brief explains the basics of how developers build new housing in California, aiming to serve as a resource for…