Modeling Inclusionary Zoning’s Impact on Housing Production in Los Angeles: Tradeoffs and Policy Implications
Published On April 4, 2024

Guest author Shane Phillips from the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies has authored a paper that uses the Terner Housing Policy Simulator to estimate the potential impacts of different inclusionary zoning (IZ) requirements on market-rate and below-market-rate housing production, with a focus on Los Angeles’ Transit-Oriented Communities program.
While the modeled scenarios do not represent actual production numbers, they illustrate how adjusting IZ requirements can lead to sharply different outcomes for affordability.
Download the full paper “Modeling Inclusionary Zoning’s Impact on Housing Production” here.
This guest research paper solely reflects the views of the author and does not represent the institutional views of the Terner Center for Housing Innovation, the Lewis Center, UC Berkeley, UCLA, or their funders.