Policy Tag: ADUs
San Diego’s Success in Spurring Missing Middle Housing: The Accessory Dwelling Unit Bonus Program
Over the last several years, the State of California has undertaken several policy initiatives to spur the creation of missing…

California’s HOME Act Turns One: Data and Insights from the First Year of Senate Bill 9
The California HOME Act—otherwise known as Senate Bill (SB) 9—took effect on January 1st, 2022 and makes it possible for…

ADUs for All: Breaking Down Barriers to Racial and Economic Equity in Accessory Dwelling Unit Construction
Authors: Julia Greenberg, Research Manager, Center for Community Innovation Hannah Phalen, Graduate Student Researcher, Terner Center for Housing Innovation…

ADU Construction Financing: Opportunities to Expand Access for Homeowners
Authors: Richard K. Green, Director and Lusk Chair in Real Estate, USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Ben Metcalf,…

State Law, Local Interpretation: How Cities Are Implementing Senate Bill 9
Introduction Last year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (“HOME”) Act, otherwise known as Senate…

Biden Administration Steps Forward for Housing Supply
On May 16th, the White House released a plan to address the nation’s critical housing supply shortage. This plan—which included…

After a Big 2021, Will California Deliver More Housing Wins in 2022? A Preview
During the first year of the current 2021-22 California legislative session, we saw the passage of several key housing bills…

Potential Impact of SB 478 on Local FAR and Minimum Lot Size Requirements
In recent years, the California legislature has found some success in facilitating the development of small-scale housing, particularly accessory dwelling…

Will Housing Finally Break Through in 2021? A California Legislative Preview
Now that the deadline for introducing new bills for this year’s California legislative session has passed, we have a clearer…

The Ongoing Housing Crisis: California Renters Still Struggle to Pay Rent Even as Counties Re-Open
As we head into the seventh month of shelter-in-place orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic forecast and its…