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Policy Tag: Policy Analysis

Residential Housing Is Now Allowed in All Commercial Zones: Are California Cities Ready?

Overview  California Assembly Bill 2011 (Wicks) was signed into law by Governor Newsom in September 2022 and went into effect…

Landscape photo of Oakland, California
Regulations and Land Use

The Housing Potential for Land Owned by Faith-Based Organizations and Colleges

This paper updates our 2020 report with expanded data on the potential for development on land owned by faith-based organizations…

Regulations and Land Use

Permanent Supportive Housing as a Solution to Homelessness: The Critical Role of Long-Term Operating Subsidies

This study aims to quantify the costs of operating PSH—including both the costs of managing the property and providing supportive…


The Perils and Promises of Redevelopment: Examining the Use of Tax Increment Financing in California Cities

As California cities face a growing backlog of infrastructure needs and a worsening housing affordability crisis, policymakers are looking for…

Communities and Regions

The First Step Is The Hardest: California’s Sliding Homeownership Ladder

The paper examines the erosion of access to homeownership and the role that rising housing prices play in the ability…


New Pathways to Encourage Housing Production: A Review of California’s Recent Housing Legislation

In this brief, we interview planners and land use lawyers to gain an early understanding about the extent to which…

Regulations and Land Use

Using Emergency Housing Vouchers to Address Homelessness

This analysis is published as part of the Housing Crisis Research Collaborative. Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic increased the urgency to…

Map of U.S. states of awarded EHVS that have are leased up

Incentivizing Housing Production: State Laws from Across the Country to Encourage or Require Municipal Action

Authors: Shazia Manji, Truman Braslaw, Chae Kim, Elizabeth Kneebone*, Carolina Reid | TERNER CENTER Yonah Freemark | URBAN INSTITUTE This…

Map of the United States showing number of laws analyzed per state. California, Oregon, Washington are 10+. Utah, Connecticut, and Maryland are 5-10. Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are 2-4. Hawaii, South Dakota, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey are 1. Remaining states are 0.
Regulations and Land Use

San Diego’s Success in Spurring Missing Middle Housing: The Accessory Dwelling Unit Bonus Program

Over the last several years, the State of California has undertaken several policy initiatives to spur the creation of missing…

Rendering of residential neighborhood with small 3-story apartment building behind single-family home.
Regulations and Land Use

New Pathways to Create More Deeply Affordable Housing: Early Lessons from HUD’s Faircloth-to-RAD Program

Authors: Ben Metcalf, Managing Director David Garcia, Policy Director Chris Hacnik, Terner Affiliate Public housing in the United States provides…

Brisas del Este, Miami-Dade's second
Rental Housing