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Past Webinar: Increasing Housing Density: Best Practices from SB 9

In September 2021, California legislators passed the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act — more commonly known as Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) — to address California’s ongoing housing crisis. In effect since the start of 2022, the law allows for an additional housing unit on parcels zoned for single-family homes without discretionary review or hearing, permitting lot splits and duplexes in neighborhoods formerly devoid of such home types.

On March 3, SPUR and the Terner Center co-presented a webinar exploring findings from an analysis by the Terner Center on how SB 9 is being implemented around California and pinpoints the best and worst practices occurring at the local level.

Speakers include:

  • Jordan Klein / City of Berkeley Planning Department
  • David Garcia / Terner Center for Housing Innovation
  • Muhammad Tarek Alameldin / Terner Center for Housing Innovation
  • Barbara Kautz / Goldfarb & Lipman LLP
  • Nazanin Salehi / Goldfarb & Lipman LLP
  • Michael Lane / SPUR

Find more information on the SPUR website here.

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