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Taking the Fairness Out of Fair Housing

Carol Galante, the Terner Center’s Faculty Director and former Assistant Secretary for Housing at HUD, has written a response to the Trump administration’s recent and sudden withdrawal of fair housing regulations.

Galante argues that the administration’s replacement of 2015 AFFH regulations with the new “Preserving Community and Housing Choice” rule renders the 1968 Fair Housing Act provision to affirmatively address fair housing barriers near meaningless. Adding to the insult of such a roll-back, the President’s reliance on inflammatory rhetoric to announce the change is a dangerous elevation of racial hatred.

Finally and critically, the manner in which the fair housing regulations have been changed flout established law and procedure and represent a clear, contemptible abuse of power. We join with many other housing research and advocacy organizations in condemning these maneuvers and we call for Congressional or legal action to stop HUD from proceeding.

Read more here.

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