Policy Tag: Economic Mobility
Lessons from the Great Recession for Today: Housing Aid Now!
As I personally hunker down, work from home, and get better at virtual technology as we work to slow the…

Residential Land Use Regulation and the Spatial Mismatch Between Housing and Employment Opportunities in California Cities
by Noah Durst, Michigan State University This paper is part of a working paper series that utilizes the Terner Center California Residential…

Land Use in California
Made possible by funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at…

How Housing Supply Shapes Access to Opportunity
This project explores how supply—how much, what kind, and where housing is being built in the nation’s 100 largest metro…

Land Use Politics, Housing Costs, and Segregation in California Cities
By Jonathan Rothwell, PhD, Gallup This paper is part of a working paper series that utilizes the Terner Center California Residential Land Use…

Statewide Goals, Local Tools: Case Studies in Affordable Housing Development in California
Cities have an important role to play in addressing California’s affordable housing shortage, and local policies such as community land…

Housing Policies in California Cities: Seeking Local Solutions to a Statewide Shortfall
By Dr. Sarah Mawhorter, Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Southern California and Visiting Scholar at Syracuse University This is the first…

Disparity in Departure: Los Angeles Region Supplement
This study was published jointly by BuildZoom and the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley. The Bay Area is undoubtedly…

Disparity in Departure: Who Leaves the Bay Area and Where Do They Go?
Authors: Issi Romem and Elizabeth Kneebone Release Date: October 2018 Full Paper…

School District Employee Housing in California
As part of our commitment to the education and professional development of UC Berkeley students, the Terner Center highlights exceptional…