Policy Tag: California
Punitive to Rehabilitative: Strategies for Live-Work Preservation in Oakland
Punitive to Rehabilitative: Strategies for Live-Work Preservation in Oakland Community Development Studio, Spring 2018 Authors: Viktor Bensus, Irene Calimlin, Anna Cash,…

Disruptive Development: Modular Manufacturing in Multifamily Housing
Disruptive Development: Modular Manufacturing in Multifamily Housing A Professional Report submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree…

Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal
Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal Bank of America Merrill Lynch Low-Income Housing Challenge 2016 Authors: UC Berkeley, CalBUILD Team: Genise Choy (MCP, 2016), Alexandra…

It All Adds Up: The Cost of Housing Development Fees in Seven California Cities
It All Adds Up: The Cost of Housing Development Fees in Seven California Cities Author: Sarah Mawhorter, David Garcia and Hayley…

Perspectives: Practitioners Weigh in on Rising Housing Construction Costs in San Francisco
Authors: Carolina Reid and Hayley Raetz Release Date: January 23, 2018 Full Paper

Understanding the Drivers of Construction Costs in California
As construction costs continue to rise across the country, experts have failed to reach a consensus about the exact causes…

ADU Update: Early Lessons and Impacts of California’s State and Local Policy Changes
A multi-pronged approach to alleviating the shortage of housing in California and other high-cost regions is urgently needed. As we…

New State Policies Aim to Boost Access to Opportunity Through Housing
In California, the Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) plays an important role in determining where and how Low Income Housing…

From Small Steps to Giant Leaps: What Must Come Next for the California Housing Agenda?
On Friday, September 15th, the California Legislature approved a package of 17 bills aimed at putting a dent in the…

California Steps Forward for Housing
On Friday, September 15th, the California legislative session ended with the passage of 17 individual pieces of legislation aimed at…