Biden Administration Steps Forward for Housing Supply
Published On June 3, 2022
On May 16th, the White House released a plan to address the nation’s critical housing supply shortage. The plan’s “all of government” approach moves forward a wide range of federal levers to spur the construction of new housing supply. Many of the policies set forward in the plan touch on key pillars from the Terner Center’s 2021 federal policy framework Building a Better Ladder of Housing Opportunity in the United States, particularly around expanding and harmonizing housing supply-oriented resources and tools and strengthening incentives and accountability, both for localities and for private market actors.
In this new blog post, our Policy Director David Garcia explores key aspects of the Biden Administration’s housing supply plan and how the plan connects with issues raised in our previous research from zoning reform to accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to affordable housing financing complexity. Read the full overview here.