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Terner Center Releases New Study on the Experiences of Residents Living in LIHTC Properties

Today, the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley released a new study: The Links Between Affordable Housing and Economic Mobility: The Experiences of Residents Living in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties.

The study looks at how living in LIHTC-funded buildings impacts low-income households in California, with a particular attention paid to housing stability, economic mobility and educational outcomes. Our researchers found, overwhelmingly, residents feel positively about their experience living in affordable housing. The report explores the results of surveys and interviews with residents in 18 properties across the state, and concludes with several policy recommendations to enhance this important policy tool and address the contextual factors that shape its impact.

A summary blog post is also available here.

The paper was released in conjunction with a presentation of the findings by our Faculty Research Advisor and author of the study, Dr. Carolina Reid, at the California Housing Consortium 2018 Policy Forum.

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