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Policy Tag: Racial and Economic Equity

School District Employee Housing in California

As part of our commitment to the education and professional development of UC Berkeley students, the Terner Center highlights exceptional…

Sage Park
Rental Housing

The Links Between Affordable Housing and Economic Mobility

Author: Carolina Reid Release Date: May 2018 Full Paper Slide Deck

Rental Housing

Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal

Heartwood Commons: Development Proposal Bank of America Merrill Lynch Low-Income Housing Challenge 2016 Authors:  UC Berkeley, CalBUILD Team: Genise Choy (MCP, 2016), Alexandra…

Cost of Building

The Rise of Single-Family Rentals After the Foreclosure Crisis

Author: Carolina Reid, Rocio Sanchez-Moyano and Carol Galante Release Date: April 2018 Full…

Rental Housing

Assessing the Early Implementation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program

Author: Carolina K. Reid Release Date: October 2017 Report Summary of Key Findings In…

Rental Housing

Too Big to Hide: The Importance of Public Data on the Mortgage Market

Fair lending is the foundation of a thriving economy, both locally and nationally. Access to credit drives home purchases, revitalizes…


Right Type, Right Place: Assessing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Infill Residential Development through 2030

Authors: Nathaniel Decker, Carol Galante, Karen Chapple & Amy Martin, Terner Center for Housing…

Regulations and Land Use

Balancing the Tax Code to Relieve Housing Cost Burdens

Of the more than 21 millions renters in the United States who are burdened by the cost of housing today, more…

Rental Housing

The Fair Tax Credit: A Proposal for a Federal Assistance in Rental Credit to Support Low-Income Renters

Authors: Carol Galante, Carolina K. Reid, and Nathaniel Decker Release Date: November 2016 This paper proposes a new tax credit to assist the growing…

affordable housing complex Irvine CA
Rental Housing