Policy Tag: Environmental Impacts
New Amendments to SB 50 Change Approach to Identifying “Sensitive Communities”
On April 24, SB 50 went before the Senate Governance and Finance committee. While it passed the committee 6-1, the resulting…

Statewide Goals, Local Tools: Case Studies in Affordable Housing Development in California
Cities have an important role to play in addressing California’s affordable housing shortage, and local policies such as community land…

Housing Policies in California Cities: Seeking Local Solutions to a Statewide Shortfall
By Dr. Sarah Mawhorter, Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Southern California and Visiting Scholar at Syracuse University This is the first…

California’s SB 375 and the Pursuit of Sustainable and Affordable Development
Author: Sarah Mawhorter, Amy Martin and Carol Galante Release Date: July 2018 Full…

Right Type, Right Place: Assessing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Infill Residential Development through 2030
Authors: Nathaniel Decker, Carol Galante, Karen Chapple & Amy Martin, Terner Center for Housing…

State Policy Solutions to the Short Supply of Housing
When it comes to a lack of affordability in housing, it’s no secret that California is outpacing the nation. Average home…