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Policy Tag: Economic Mobility

On the Edge of Homelessness: The Vulnerability of Extremely Low-Income Households in the Bay Area

This paper presents data on the demographic, housing, and labor market characteristics of ELI households in the 9-county Bay Area…


Addressing Housing’s Critical Role as Infrastructure

Most Americans are painfully aware that the country’s physical assets—its infrastructure—are in bad shape and need new investments. The potential…

Communities and Regions

Building a Better Ladder of Housing Opportunity in the United States

Read the full framework brief here. Read the executive summary here.

Communities and Regions

Will Housing Finally Break Through in 2021? A California Legislative Preview

Now that the deadline for introducing new bills for this year’s California legislative session has passed, we have a clearer…

Regulations and Land Use

Strategies to Lower Cost and Speed Housing Production: A Case Study of San Francisco’s 833 Bryant Street Project

Author: Nathaniel Decker, Post-Doctoral Scholar Read the full analysis here.

833 Bryant Under Construction
Cost of Building

Recession and Recovery: The Critical Role of Housing Assistance in Promoting Economic Security for Low-Income Households

Author: Carolina Reid, Faculty Research Advisor Research Assistant: Beatriz Stambuk-Torres Read the full analysis here.

affordable housing complex Irvine CA
Rental Housing

Reaching California’s ADU Potential: Progress to Date and the Need for ADU Finance

Authors: Karen Chapple, Faculty Director, Center for Community Innovation David Garcia, Policy Director, Terner Center for Housing Innovation Eric Valchuis,…

Accessory Dwellings
Regulations and Land Use

Trump Is Clinging to an Outdated Version of the Suburbs

This piece was originally published in The Avenue by the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed earlier this week, President…

aerial of the suburbs
Communities and Regions

Taking the Fairness Out of Fair Housing

President Trump’s recent tweets and his Administration’s abrupt withdrawal of vitally important fair housing regulations is a dangerous new low…

Regulations and Land Use

NAHREP and Terner Center Survey Highlights the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Small Landlords

While the U.S. faces a global pandemic the likes of which we have not seen in more than a century,…

Rental Housing