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Policy Tag: Construction Costs

The Complexity of Financing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Housing in the United States

Read the full paper here. Authors: Elizabeth Kneebone and Carolina Reid For additional resources, see The Cost of Building Housing Research…

Cost of Building

How AB 1401 May Impact Residential Parking Requirements

As California grapples with a continued housing crisis, policymakers are turning their attention to the high cost to produce new…

Regulations and Land Use

Will Housing Finally Break Through in 2021? A California Legislative Preview

Now that the deadline for introducing new bills for this year’s California legislative session has passed, we have a clearer…

Regulations and Land Use

Strategies to Lower Cost and Speed Housing Production: A Case Study of San Francisco’s 833 Bryant Street Project

Author: Nathaniel Decker, Post-Doctoral Scholar Read the full analysis here.

833 Bryant Under Construction
Cost of Building

Revisiting California’s Density Bonus Law: Analysis of SB 1085 and AB 2345

Author: David Garcia, Policy Director Read the full paper here.

Cost of Building

Four Tools for Stimulating Economic Recovery Through New Homebuilding

Authored in collaboration with Sarah Karlinsky, SPUR High housing prices threaten California’s future. Today, over three million California renters spend…

new housing construction
Regulations and Land Use

The Hard Costs of Construction: Recent Trends in Labor and Materials Costs for Apartment Buildings in California

Read the paper here. For additional resources, see The Cost of Building Housing Research Series.

Cost of Building

The Costs of Affordable Housing Production: Insights from California’s 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program

  Read the paper here. See the Technical Appendix: The Limitations of Regression Analysis here. For more resources, see The Cost…

Cost of Building

The Cost of Building Housing Series

The Terner Center for Housing Innovation has launched an in-depth research series that examines the array of costs associated with…

new housing construction
Cost of Building