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Past Webinar: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in California: Prioritizing Fair Housing Goals in Planning for the State’s Housing Needs

On August 20th, 2020, the Terner Center for Housing Innovation hosted a virtual convening exploring how California can meet its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing, with a focus on its Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process. Stream the video of the convening above.

Gustavo Velasquez, Director of California’s Department of Housing and Community Development and former Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, offered opening remarks on California’s commitment to furthering fair housing in its housing and community development programs and policies, and the importance of that commitment at a time when the federal government has willfully stepped away from its fair housing obligations.

Ben Metcalf, Managing Director of the Terner Center, moderated a panel discussion focusing on the state’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation and data-driven strategies local and regional governments can use to promote fair housing goals in that process. Featured speakers include:

  • Gillian Adams, Principal Planner, Regional Housing Needs Allocation, Association of Bay Area Governments
  • Arthur Gailes, Fair Housing Coordinator, Othering & Belonging Institute
  • Annelise Osterberg, Graduate Student Researcher, UC Berkeley


Image Credit: Bruce Damonte, David Baker Architects

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