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David Baker Architects/Bruce Damonte

An Opportunity

Join a broad base of individuals and organizations who know that better outcomes in housing and real estate mean better results for families and communities. Our funders share our goals of shaping a more effective housing market and more inclusive housing policies. In engaging in and supporting our work, you will help to drive the thought leadership and action needed to realize a more equitable, sustainable, and affordable future for housing.

Your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Contact Jessie Modlin at with any questions.

Funders Council

The Funders Council increases the Terner Center’s capacity to craft high-impact, research-driven policy that addresses the roots of the nation and California’s housing affordability crisis.

The Funders Council brings together our most engaged partners who range from government agencies to private and nonprofit corporations to individuals. Membership is conferred based on annual donation amounts. This is a joint council for the Terner Center and our sister nonprofit, Terner Labs.

The Funders Council meets 1-2 times per year to allow members to engage with Terner staff, get unique insights into and offer feedback on current and upcoming work, and network with other members. Funders Council members also receive advance notice of select publications and receive recognition on our website and in our annual reports.

Funders Council Members

Arnold Ventures**
Arrow Impact*
The Ballmer Group**
Brad Blackwell
BRIDGE Housing
California Air Resources Board
California Department of Housing and Community Development
California Health Care Foundation
Century Housing
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative**
Cooper Housing Institute
Michael Covarrubias*
EAH Housing
Eden Housing
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation**
Nancy and Rick Holliday*
Housing Trust Silicon Valley
James Irvine Foundation
Ivory Foundation*
J. P. Morgan Chase Bank**
Kaiser Permanente*
Howard and Irene Levine Family Foundation*


*indicates Labs funders

**indicates Labs and Center funders


Low Income Investment Fund
Alex Mehran
Mercy Housing
Merritt Community Capital Corporation
Jordan Moss*
MidPen Housing
Open Philanthropy*
Deborah and Kenneth Novack
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Christy and Peter Palmisano*
Payette River Foundation*
US Bank
San Francisco Foundation**
Sares Regis
Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sobrato Philanthropies**
William Sternlicht
Andrew Sutherland*
Tipping Point Community
Titan Investments
Weingart Foundation*
Wells Fargo Foundation
William Witte
Yardi Systems