Terner Center Postdoctoral Scholar Sarah Mawhorter’s Work Highlighted by How Housing Matters
A study by Terner Center Postdoctoral Scholar Sarah Mawhorter looking at Informal Housing Production in California Cities was featured on the How Housing Matters website.
Faculty Director Carol Galante Quoted on Massachusetts 40B
In a recent CALmatters article titled, "Should California look to Massachusetts to fix its housing crisis?" by Matt Levin, Faculty Director Carol Galante shares her perspective on Massachusetts 40B and elements that could be used in California.
Faculty Director Carol Galante Shares Thoughts on the State Housing Package in New Housing Podcast
Faculty Director Carol Galante joined Los Angeles Times housing reporter Liam Dillon and CALmatters' data reporter Matt Levin on their podcast Gimme Shelter: The California Housing Crisis Podcast to share her thoughts on the housing package in the California State Legislature.
San Francisco Chronicle Quotes Faculty Director Carol Galante on California Housing Bills
Faculty Director Carol Galante recently participated in a panel discussion hosted by C.A.R.’s Center for California Real Estate and the Bay Area Council where she and others shared their thoughts on the Bay Area’s housing crisis and current housing legislation in Sacramento. This discussion received coverage in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Introducing Right Type, Right Place Report
Earlier today, Next 10 released of the report titled "Right Type, Right Place" This report, a joint effort between the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment (CLEE) at UC Berkeley School of Law and the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley, was prepared with the support of Next 10 to assess the environmental and economic impacts of housing production scenarios that could help meet the state’s proposed 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target under Senate Bill 32.
Terner Center Receives Gift from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Study Housing Solutions
Earlier today, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative released an announcement indicating their support of both the Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto (CLSEPA) and the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley for their efforts in addressing the community's affordable housing issues.
Faculty Director Carol Galante Weighs in on Housing Policy Under the New Administration
In a short phone interview earlier this week with Marketplace's Mark Garrison, Faculty Director Carol Galante shares with him her thoughts on how the Trump administration could change housing policy and what impact that will have on homeowners and renters in the coming months.
The San Diego Union-Tribune Quoted Faculty Director Carol Galante on California 40B
In response to the 2016 Real Estate Summit hosted by the California Association of Realtors, the San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board published the following piece, "About that California housing crisis: ‘It’s break-glass time’," quoting Terner Center Faculty Director Carol Galante on the idea of adopting California 40B, a law modeled on Chapter 40B in Massachusetts.
Nonprofit Quarterly Discusses Terner Center’s Proposal of Renter’s Tax Credit
According to this recent NonProfit Quarterly piece by Spencer Wells, the FAIR tax credit proposal from the Terner Center is "generating some buzz in the rental advocacy world." The full article, which includes a brief synopsis of the paper, also describes many different factors influencing the feasibility of rental tax credits.
The Mercury News Quotes Faculty Director Galante on Bold Ideas at the Real Estate Summit
In recent media coverage of the Real Estate Summit that was hosted by the California Association of Realtors in November 2016, Mercury News quoted Terner Center Faculty Director Carol Galante on her "bold ideas" for tackling the housing affordability issues in California. Read the full article by Jeff Collins here.